Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remember to RSVP

We are so excited for the reunion, and it is coming up fast! Just an update on the dates and times.

Friday August 7: Family picnic at the Wellsville Dam. This is a free event. It will be fun to meet everyone's families and cute kids! Bring your own dinner, but the fun will be provided!

Saturday August 8: Dinner at the USU Ballroom. This is a catered dinner for you and your spouse or significant other.

Please come and have a great time!!

You can find out more information by contacting Heather (Holland) Anderson or Dustin Jones

Hope to see YOU there!

Friday, February 6, 2009


The reunion dates are set. Friday, August 7th we will have an adult get together, and then Saturday, August 8th there will be a family picnic. The location and activities are still being decided on. If you have any fun ideas, leave a comment.

Keep spreading the word!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Reunion Time

Has it really been 10 yrs? It has...and we are excited to begin the planning process for our reunion. We want everyone to come! The reunion is tentavely scheduled for the first part of August of 2009. We need everyone's help to get the word out....facebook, myspace, blog, etc. We can't have a reunion without people to reunite! :)

We would like to start gathering everyone's information so we can send out invitations. Please email your information to Heather (Holland) Anderson at:, or leave your info in the comments. We hope to hear from you soon!